Practical Arrival Information

Key Dates

Extended Abstracts Submission Deadline
Abstracts Notification
Early Registration Deadline
Regular Registration Deadline
On-Site Registration Fee

Dear Friends and Colleagues

We will be delighted to welcome you to the JCCC 2023, the Joint 17th international Conference on Calixarenes (Calix 2023) and 7th international conference on Cucurbiturils (ICCB 2023) on July 16-21, 2023, in Tel-Aviv, Israel.

This special event provides an opportunity to combine two related conferences to intensify dialogues and initiate collaborations among practitioners of Supramolecular Chemistry.

The Calixarene community has recently had its meeting in New Orleans (Calix 2022) after a long spell, with many speakers unable to attend in person, whereas the Cucurbituril community held its last meeting in 2019. Members of both communities are eager to attend face-to-face meetings to compensate for the extended period of the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences.

The conference program will cover the chemistry of calixarenes, cucurbiturils, and related macrocycles through plenary, invited lectures, and poster presentations. The 5th C. David Gutsche award ceremony and lecture will take place on the first day of the joint event.

Tel Aviv, easily accessible from the Ben Gurion International Airport, is the central coastal city in Israel and its financial, cultural, and creative hub, “the city that never sleeps.” It offers the best restaurants, nightlife, and several kilometers of sand beaches. Should you want to explore Israel and its attractions, including Jerusalem, the Dead Sea,  the Lake of Galilee, Nazareth, and more, they are all within reach of Tel Aviv.

We look forward to hosting you in Tel Aviv on July 16-21, 2023.

Local Organizing Committee

Co-chairs Calix 2023                                                                                  Co-chairs ICCB 2023

    Yoram Cohen,                                                                                                   Ehud Keinan,
Tel Aviv University                                                                                                   Technion

   Arkadi Vigalok,                                                                                                   Ofer Reany,
Tel Aviv University                                                                                         The Open University

Invited Speakers



אוניברסיטת תל אביב
מכון ויצמן
האוניברסיטה העיברית
האוניברסיטת הפתוחה